
The most common method of keeping time in Andulara is known as the Enithan calendar. With the empire on the continent of Enith being what is likely the oldest humanoid dynasty in the world, they are dedicated to keeping that history, and this long calendar has spread through the rest of the world events all throughout history were placed on its timeline.  

The Enithan calendar is comprised of 8 months that are 45 days long, for a total of 360 days. The months are based on the seasons and their halfway points (relative to Enith) Starting with Spring, Midspring, Summer, Midsummer, Autumn, Midautumn, Winter, and Midwinter. With weeks lasting 7 days, it makes for 51 weeks.  

For most campaigns taking place in the world, the current year is 6270 in the Mithral Age. The calendar is divided into Eras, which are spans of 10000 years, and Ages, which are spans of 5000 years. Most of the listed and Eras are noted before the establishment of the calendar to mark past events in history. The current Eras are the Ancient Era (20000+ years ago), and the High Era (20000-5000 years ago). The previous recorded ages are the Electrum Age (-5000 to 0), and the Adamant Age (1-5000).  

This calendar also takes the Lunar cycles into account. The cycles of the moon go through every 30 days or so, those who follow it can expect a full moon every 15th or 45th of a given month, ± plus or minus 1 or 2 days.